Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happee Saint Patrik's Day!

The Sap says it is Saint Patrik's Day, and I have to ware sumthang green so that I do not get peenched by the uther doggees. Also, she says it mite make me luckee enuff to find a familee of my veree own. What do you think, my deer fans?

May bee if I look reel pathetik, sumone will take pittee on me and adopt me?



  1. You look so great in that hat. Now you just need to find a parade to hop into.

  2. oh carlos you are so furry handshum and ish that beer cap on your most gorgeous head??
    happy st pattys day
    pibble sugars
    the houston pittie pack

  3. Carlos, I think you look very very handsome in that hat! Here's hoping you get lucky soon!

  4. It's a bit late but Happy St. Paddy's day to you dear Carlos. Please tell the SAP to give you a big hug from your one of your deer fans!!

  5. Oi Carlos, youre hat is very funny, have you seen mine? xx Major
